A Rich History Supporting Rural Education
The Rural Schools Association was founded in 1978 following a statewide conference sponsored by the Council on Rural Education and the Rural Regional Education Association (now NREA) to consider the special concerns and needs of the rural and small school districts of New York State.
The RSA has proudly taken the lead in serving the rural and small school districts of New York – a state containing one of the largest rural populations in the nation. Our efforts continue at the State and Federal levels to provide proper representation and key opportunities to our member districts.

Goals & Objectives
- To assist districts in liaison with state and national governmental leaders and with officials of rural interest organizations.
- To conduct research pertinent to small and rural school districts and to disseminate results to the membership, the public, and to decision-making bodies.
- To assist members to develop organizational policy at state and national level.
- To provide service and information to district members relating to staffing, curriculum, in-service training, instruction, and general school management.
- To provide a clearinghouse function and promote communication among members of the program.
- To conduct regional and statewide conferences concerning the broad issues facing RSA members.
The Rural Schools Association is governed by a Board of Directors representing a variety of zones within the state. Each zone selects delegates to represent its specific region.
Additional members are appointed by organizations affiliated with RSA, and up to five members may be selected at-large. Currently, some forty delegates comprise the board.
The Board of Directors meets three times annually. Executive and ancillary sub-committees are appointed to provide guidance and management assistance to the RSA Executive Director.
Zones Members With:
1-10 Member Districts = 1 Delegate
11-25 Member Districts = 2 Delegates
w/26+ Member Districts = 3 Delegates
Organization Members:
NYS School Boards Association = 1 Delegate
NYS Council of School Superintendents = 1 Delegate
BOCES District Superintendents = 1 Delegate
NY Congress of Parents and Teachers = 2 Delegates
NYS Education Department = 1 Delegate
NY Farm Bureau = 1 Delegate
NY Grange = 1 Delegate
Higher Education Representatives = 3 Delegates